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for a healthy

skin's lifestyle

Journey to SLOW-AGE skin

skin &

for a healthy

skin's lifestyle

Journey to SLOW-AGE skin

Healthy skin speaks for itself. It's a FACT, not a fad

Journey to SLOW-AGE skin

Is The Key

Let us first know the FACTS

Aging process is similar to a burn “in slow motion”

Factors inducing skin burn, and thus the decline of skin functionalities

Invasion of external environmental aging factors

Misuse of “fast-result" products that damaged skin mechanism

Recession of skin internal mechanism with age

Prone to have sensitive, inflammation fragile skin

Internal sub-health symptoms

We believe minimizing skin burn is the path to long lasting youthful skin

Ways To Minimize "Skin Burn"

Must Do’s

  • Stop using skin burning beauty products or procedures
  • Start bringing in slow-aging beauty regimen
  • Patience is the key
  • Build your skin’s defense system
  • Avoid skin aging factors

There could be more to the list, but you should start practising these to reach your slow-aging goals.

Must Do’s

Body and Mind Fitness


  • Skin aging is a reflection of cellular level dysfunction.
  • Strong immunity helps the skin to adapt in harsh environment.
  • Smooth blood circulation ensures the delivery of skin’s necessities and removal of the wastes and toxins.
  • Modern day “fast food” lifestyle is a double edge sword to our health. Quick and overloaded delivery of “goods” often burdens the body which is usually expressed through the skin.


  • Rapid aging may be caused by hormonal imbalance. Poor sleep qualities, fluctuating emotions and stress are often the triggers. Fix your habits to avoid becoming the target of this silent killer.

There could be more to the list, but these are few that you can’t deny, an effective and targeted slow-aging protocol.

Busting The Skin Care Myths

Busting The
Skin Care Myths

Dry to Sensitive Skin

Myth:Lets just apply hefty moisturizers…”

  • Dry skin is the result of biological aging, climate, medications and genetics issues, not forgetting the use of products that causing dryness to the skin. People often think dry skin needs hydration, instead, the medical cosmetologists said, “Dry skin is lacking of oil, not merely the dehydration problem.”
  • 56% of women have sensitive skin: they are prone to redness, itching, and excessive dryness. Along with the increase in age and pollution, this problem turns out to be more serious because our skin get drier, on average, by 10% each decade past the age of 20.
  • People with sensitive skin should not rush for extensive skin care procedures. In fact, you would benefit from using fewer skin care products, especially during the onset.

Our Recommendation

The Working Principle of LOVECELL SBE with DRY-SENSITIVE Skin

It is none other than PROTECTION with less burn concept that it goes for.

Starting with cleansing, the skin is well protected by the unique Sea Buckthorn seed oil specially infused in the formula. With the protective cap on, the skin repairing process would be much easier without further skin burn.

Thanks to LOVECELL Sano Hermosa, an excellent skin food for supplementing nutrients needed to build a healthier protecting shield on your skin cells from the inside out.

Oily to Combination Skin

Myth:Oil-on-oil is a big no-no!”

  • While overly oily skin causes blackheads, stripping all the oil from the skin stimulates it to secrete more oil for protection. Therefore, treating oily skin must be focused on achieving balance between oil and water.
  • Like any other other skin type, oily skin also needs a moisturizer. The important point is, the moisturizers for oily skin must be light, oil-free or water soluble, and must not exert extra burden on the skin.
  • Like all other skin types, oily skin needs sun protection. Unfortunately, most common sunscreens will disrupt this skin type, block pores, and cause acnes.
  • Hormonal fluctuations also affect oily skin. It becomes inevitable for regulation, both internally and externally.

Our Recommendation

The Working Principle of LOVECELL SBE with OILY-COMBINATION Skin

While many products try to control the sebum secretion, LOVECELL SBE cares for the “seesaw effects” in oil-water balance.

Our water-based good oil of LOVECELL SBE Recovery Surge is the answer. It works extremely well with LOVECELL SBE Energy Activation Clarifying Lotion to achieve this.

Thanks to LOVECELL Seabuckthorn Seed Oil for its potential in regaining a more balanced hormonal profile that means a lot to those who are oily and acne prone.

Mature Aging Skin

Myth:Boom! My lines and spots are all gone with just 1 pump …”

  • As we age, we need to be more careful with our choice of skincare products as to prevent further damaging to our skin. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Skin Specialist strongly emphasized, “Even if the aggressive and abrasive products can achieve their goals faster, they are not necessary on mature skin, and it is more difficult to repair if the skin is damaged.”
  • As our body ages, the production of collagen and elastin is reduced, and the ability to restore skin tone becomes limited. At this stage, changes in the body are far more overwhelming than our external rescue.

Our Recommendation

The Working Principle of LOVECELL SBE with MATURE AGING Skin

No further “burn” to the skin. Restore the ability to protect the loss of natural youth factors.

Thanks to the advancement in beauty science, enriching the strength of LOVECELL SBE SAR Solution, Timeless Truesmooth Wrinkle Cream as well as Ultimate Age Defense Cream in the journey to slow cellular aging naturally without any abrasive actions that induce further damage to the aged skin.

Thanks to LOVECELL Sano Hermosa for its consistency in building a strong beauty foundation that is crucial for the beauty conscious in this category.

Believing skin health is also greatly measured by one’s immunity, hormonal, emotions and sleep’s quality, LOVECELL Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil and AFA Blue Green Algae are specially recommended to cater the needs of inner health of this category.

Your SLOW-AGE Skin's Lifestyle Picks

 Pro-Collagen Skinhealth
Cleansing Balm
Seabuc Skinhealth
Energy Activation
Essential Lotion
Energy Activation
Clarifying Lotion
Timeless Truesmooth
Eye Cream
Recovery Surge
Beta Wonder
Timeless Truesmooth
Wrinkle Cream
SAR Solution
Concentrate Essence
Ultimate Age Defense
Cell Defense
UV Expert
Seabuc Wonder
Skin Essence Mask
SBE Skin Immunity Treatment – YSBE Skin Immunity Treatment – MSBE Agepro CELLYOUTH 15 Treatment
Dry to Sensitive Skin
Oily to Combination Skin
Aging & Mature Skin

Consult your beautician for the best regimen that fits your demand.

let the facts guide you through the journey to

natural, wholeness & slow-aging skin